Key Issues
Are these your community's most important problems and opportunities?
The Comprehensive Plan will be organized around strategies and thorough action steps that address a focused set of Key Issues. The following four issues emerged through the community questionnaire, stakeholder interviews and public events. What do you think?
Expanding the safe, accessible, and convenient ways residents and visitors can connect to the community's variety of amenities and opportunities as well as those in nearby communities.
Potential connectivity priorities include:
Resurrecting the possibility of building a West Bridge to connect Waterfront Drive to the intersection of PA Route 837 (7th Avenue) and 8th Avenue, in order to open up local development opportunities and increase the efficient operation of the local road network.
Increasing options for transit-dependent residents
Improved pedestrian and bike links between the Waterfront and 8th Avenue to Hazelwood and throughout the Steel Valley Area
Improved wayfinding and signage throughout the three communities
Strategic Service Provision
Exploring alternatives to the current public services across municipal boundaries, allowing communities to accomplish more with limited resources.
Potential strategic service provision priorities could include:
Increased advocacy and education to get three communities to act as one and find opportunities to collaborate while respecting the local relationships and traditions that make each special​​
Coordinating annual community events, such as a Steel Valley community day
Housing and Neighborhood Stability
Improving neighborhood and housing appearance and safety in order to inspire residents to take pride in their community.
Potential housing and neighborhood stability priorities include:​
Addressing blight and abandonment
Addressing deferred maintenance on infrastructure, including priority sidewalks, curb ramps, and retaining walls
Coordinating efforts with local groups to improve the available supply of decent, affordable housing
Accelerating Equitable Growth
Positioning the Steel Valley to capitalize on its increasing market appeal would mean attracting investors, residents, and visitors alike by developing a clear sense of niche/identity and a strategy to translate market pressure into opportunities that are widely available and equitably shared.
Potential equitable growth priorities include:
Designing incentives and messaging to engage young residents and entrepreneurs
Building upon successful efforts to generate excitement and activity along 8th Avenue, establishing it as a regional destination
Building broad support for a Steel Valley identity that showcases the area's best assets and most enticing opportunities